far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Officially 10lbs up! If I gain a pound a week for the rest of pregnancy I can still hit the minimum amount I'm supposed to gain.Maternity clothes? I'm pretty much in full on maternity clothes nowadays with the exception of dresses (not zip-ups!), some cotton shirts that still stretch over my belly, and pants that I can still work with partnered with the belly band. I have one pair of jeans that are still holding out....they are super low rise so I can still manage to button them up under my belly since I'm carrying so high. I'm trying not to feel too badly about how big my belly is already because, since I'm so short, Baby Girl doesn't have a whole lot of other place to go but out!
Sleep? It never feels like I have enough! I sleep through the night pretty good, but I'm super tired this week.
Stretch marks? Nothing yet!
Best moment this week: We (and by we, I really mean Jon's mom) finished the curtains for Baby's room this week so we are done with replacing all the curtains in the house AND we're pretty much done with everything in Baby's room that we can be until after painting is done. We're hoping to paint the last weekend in May so hopefully we can start assembling everything and hanging stuff on the walls early in June.
Miss Anything? Being able to sit through a movie and not be in total pain during/afterward. We went and saw Iron Man this Saturday and I thought I was going to have to leave at one point, my back was cramping up so bad!
Movement: Tons! My sisters finally got a good feel of her violent kicks on Mother's Day after some sugary French toast and dessert pizza....she loves sweets!
Food Cravings: We had some S'mores with Reese's Peanut Butter cups at a friend's bonfire on Friday and I will never eat S'mores the same way again. I've been craving them like crazy ever since!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Gender: Girl
Pregnancy Symptoms: I've been getting really bad growing pains up on my right side under my ribs. I think they're growing pains anyway....they hurt enough they could be Braxton Hicks but I'm praying that those aren't starting already or it will be a loooooong 15 weeks!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :-D
Looking forward to: Painting Baby's room and my birthday on Sunday!
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